Below are a compiled list and map of Montreal community bike shops. The information here is maintained on a ‘reasonable-effort’ basis only. Contact us to be included in the list, to collaborate on the map, or with tips on updates to make!
- BQAM (UQAM, downtown)
- `Biciklo (Polytechnique)
- Co-op Bécik (Brébeuf)
- CRABE (Centre de Réparation et Ajustment de Bicyclette de l’ÉTS)
- LPVR (Loyala Compus, Concordia)
- Mile End Bike Garage (Mile End)
- La Cave Bike Collective (Solin Hall McGill Residence)
- The Flat Bike Collective (McGill, downtown)
- Santrovélo (Santropol Roulant, plateau)
Globally, there’s an open collaboration map below showing community bicycle organizations world-wide. Note that it might be quite out of date.